The Long Travel to Iona

It takes a long time to get to Iona from Philadelphia. You either fly to London and take the train north to Glasgow or you fly to Edinburgh and take the train south. With time changes and flight schedules, you need to spend a night in Glasgow before setting out for Iona. It’s a day of travel – a bus and a ferry to the isle of Mull, then a bus across Mull and another ferry to Iona.

I’ve concluded that’s a good thing. The anticipation in the passive state of being carried to Iona by means other than my own has quieted me, made me ready for whatever it is I am meant to receive here – something meaningful for sure and I have no parameters for it. I only know that I am ready. And as I look at my fellow pilgrims, I think they are in the same state of receptivity. May God bless our time here and bless all you who read this. – Victoria Sicks