

St. Peter’s is blessed by the presence of babies and children in our congregation. Just as we encourage adults to come as they are, we celebrate what it looks like to have young ones in our midst. That means that your children, with all of their curiosity, wiggles, and even fussiness, are welcomed as a part of our community and enfolded in love. Your child brings their own spiritual gifts and perspectives, and they will find a home at St. Peter’s. We believe that often it is our children who help us better recognize and understand how God is present with us, calling us to better love one another. 

We are committed to supporting your child in their life of faith. Children of all ages engage in ministry programs that ground them in the teachings and worship style of The Episcopal Church. However, more than any program or curriculum, there are two central beliefs and goals that guide everything we do for children’s ministry at St. Peter’s: First, that every child knows they are loved by God, exactly as they are, always and no matter what. Second, that church is a place where they can show up as themselves and be loved and safe. 

Family Worship Service

Although St. Peter’s welcomes children at all times, a special service for young children and their families takes place at 9 a.m. every Sunday during the school year. This service nurtures children’s spiritual formation and growth through singing, stories, crafts, and communion. It is a playful, energetic service, led each week by a member of the clergy and our Children’s Ministry Leader on guitar. This is a long-standing service at St. Peter’s, often attracting 30-40 attendees each week. The Family Worship service is held at 9 a.m. in the Parish House at 313 Pine Street.

Our first Family Worship of the program year will be Sunday, September 15. For the month of September, we will be hearing stories all about welcome. See below for our Family Worship schedule through October.

  • September 8 (no 9 AM service): Families are invited to join us at 10 AM for Welcome Back Sunday + Congregational Picnic
  • September 15: God Welcomes You
  • September 22: God Welcomes Our Neighbors (and We Do Too!)
  • September 29: God Welcomes the World (Creation Story + Yoga)
  • October 6: St. Francis Day – Blessing of the Stuffed Animals
  • October 13 (no 9 AM service): Join us or an 10 AM Outdoor Combined Worship for Creation Celebration
  • October 20: When Jesus was a Kid: Stories from the Old Testament

If you’d like to be added to our email list to receive notices about the Family Worship, please sign up for our email newsletter here or contact Associate Rector Rev. Sarah Hedgis-Kligerman at [email protected].

Sunday School

Sunday School for children ages 6-10 years old is held during our regular 11AM worship service in the church during the school year (it is not held during the summer months). Everyone begins worship together in the sanctuary. Before the first reading, children and teachers are dismissed to Sunday School. They return during the Peace so your family can participate in Holy Eucharist and receive communion together. 

Sunday School is led by an amazing group of volunteers from the congregation who are thrilled to teach and support your children in their faith journey. There will always be one teacher and at least one additional adult volunteer, and all Sunday School leaders have completed background checks and training in how to keep children safe. We use Mini Revolutions, a theologically progressive curriculum from Illustrated Ministry. This curriculum engages different styles of learning and emphasizes creativity and play. 

Photos from our 2023 Family Worship: